Tag Archives: hydrangea

Welcome Messages

Reading a few of my favorite Blogs, I am almost never tired of unique al fresco dining decor.  This blog is full of inspiration. Outside my front porch, my hydrangeas have been growing quite beautiful. I have to admit, I am quite proud.  The goal  is to nurture them through this Summer season.  Every day when I drive up the driveway and see them they Welcome me like a big figurative “hug” from my home.


Hydrangea Pillow 1 | Hydrangea Pillow 2 | Other designs

Peony | KeyAesthetics


This lovely water color painting just beauteous.

Enjoy the season of Peonies in your area.  Meanwhile, enjoy Summer with the new May/ June KeyAesthetics issue.


Color and Texture


I love to build on Color with Texture.  Using layering techniques to bring forth your creative style aesthetic. Ha! KeyAesthetics!

I love these images from Carolina Herrera’s offspring, the apple does not fall far from the tree.